What’s Your Why?

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Well we’re a week into 2019. How are you doing? Have you kept to any resolutions you made for yourself, or are you just getting started? If you’re like me, it usually takes me about a week just to ease into starting.  I usually don’t REALLY start resolutions until the first full week in January. For me, it’s all about the long game, so I have to plan.  One of this year’s is writing more; here’s me trying to stick to that.  All this being said, the notion of resolutions and change had me pondering WHY. Why do we make them; why do we continue?

We’ve all heard it, just three little letters – why? A child curiously asks why, maybe even testing one’s patience. The question follows us into adolescence when we ask our parents why we can’t do certain things. Why doesn’t stop there. As adults we question why we choose certain paths, roles, positions, or the alternative, why we don’t. For just three little letters, WHY certainly packs a complex punch.

If you’ve ever been to any sort of leadership or professional development training, you’ve probably been asked this question, “What is your why?” The first time I heard that question, I’m pretty sure I thought, why, what? Of course, the speaker further elaborated, “Why do you choose to do what you do?” It’s funny, because I hadn’t really thought about the idea that every day is a choice. I make a choice to do every single little thing during the course of my day. If I choose to eat that donut, that’s on me. I recently finished grad school; I did that, but WHY make either of these choices? Both of these answers require defining a goal or purpose. Do I satisfy a short-term desire, or plan for the long-term?

It makes sense that making new goals and choices coincides with the new year. The promise of a new year, and new slate, offer the opportunity to start fresh.  But guess what, EVERY DAY is a new slate.  If you fall off the wagon with the new diet; try again tomorrow. If you’ve taken time off from school; sign up for the next semester. Bottom line; don’t beat yourself up for failing one day; just don’t give up.  Find the WHY that makes you stick to it. If that means getting healthier so you can be around for your spouse, children, and family, then think about that when you’re getting up early to fit a workout in. If that means going back to school so you can get the job that makes you excited about going to work; then think about that while you’re studying late. That’s why, the WHY matters. It’s the reason we choose to be better and do better.  

Well, that went deeper than I really intended. See what I did there?  🙂 At any rate, I ultimately want this space to include a variety of posts, so please hang on as this page continues to evolve.

Catch y’all next week.

~ B

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